Tend the garden of your soul.
Cultivate the whispering creative lying deep within.
Heal to create the good stuff. You.
Tend the garden of your soul.
Cultivate the whispering creative lying deep within.
Heal to create the good stuff. You.
For years I have carried the quote by Anais Nin close to my heart..."And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom."
I finally gave myself permission to blossom into who I have always been, but we must be tended to like a breathtaking garden.
To answer the call of your creative soul is to be connected to something greater than self.
Surrender to the whispers of your spirit, connect to the song of humanity and the co-creation of existence.
What we imagine needs space to root, time to be tended and room to grow. Just as the farmer tends the crops and is rewarded with a harvest, the creative must be given nourishment and nourish the source as well.
How many seeds of yourself have been left unplanted?
I am a creator.
So are you. You just may not realize it yet.
You know how you hear people talk about "choosing your life"? You may think, I can't choose my life. This is the life I was dealt. I cannot choose anything other than what I have. And the more you tell yourself the story above, the more true and real it becomes.
To change your life, to create your life…and subsequently the world…it begins with a new story. We all have stories we have told ourselves, as well as stories that have been told to us about ourselves. Some of those stories are so familiar that they are universal:
I am not worth _____
I am not smart enough to _____
I don't have the means to _____
I was not born into or with _____
These stories, or old mental programs, have no place in the evolution of you.
So let's rewrite your story. Together.
Uncover the weeds blocking your growth and eating up precious resources of your energy.
Find what truly ignites you and nourishes your soul so the soil of you is ever abundant.
Remove the energetic weeds depleting your soul and discover how to nourish the creation that is you.
The body, energetic systems and etheric systems hold a myriad of information. Some are like weeds and need pulling. Some are gardens waiting to blossom.
In sacred space we sit and examine what parts of your system need tending.
I may be called to use:
- Energetic Grid Work
- Energetic Re-wiring
- Ancestral Healing
- Sacred Life Flower
- Sound and Frequency medicine
- Animal Medicine
Sliding Scale
$165.00 - $225.00
We are all creators.
Maybe you have already embraced your creatorship. Perhaps you don't know what it means to be a creator.
In this deep dive we connect with what your soul is longing to bring to the planet in this life.
Finding the unique spark waiting to become the fire of your creative soul.
This is also where we can work on specific projects you may be birthing or called to create.
Please inquire about packages.
Single Session $250.00
The space you live and work in holds energetic imprints, just as your physical body does.
Energy can become stagnate and inhibit the ease of our soul flow through life.
Clearing our sacred spaces to allow for more clarity, release and ease is a beautiful way to further tend to your soul.
Please inquire about pricing.
I am a creatrix.
I am a healer.
I am a storyteller.
I am a holder of space.
I am a seeker.
I am curious.
I am in process.
I am majik.
My name is Beverly and I am an elemental based/creative medicine woman and sovereign creatrix.
Sessions run approximately 60 minutes.
If you'd like to connect for an extended time please let me know.